Commercial Concreting
In today’s society, it would be very unusual, if not impossible, to make it through an entire day without encountering concrete in some form.
Concrete is everywhere – from the foundations of your home to the curbing on the side of the road, to driveways, parking lots and buildings.
At PF Install Solutions, we understand the importance of concrete for commercial purposes. That’s why we invested in a Mack Granite Volumetric Mixer in 2020. This has given us the ability to batch concrete onsite independent of other contractors and produce as much or as little concrete as required with no wastage and minimal set up.
Having the mixer also means that we can access it at any time that suits us - no waiting for opening hours for concrete. In short, it provides us with the flexibility and accessibility we need to provide our clients with top quality service for their concreting needs.
In 2020, the mixer made its way to Sabai Island to complete a large-scale concreting job. Sabai Island is located in the Torres Strait Islands archipelago, south of the island of New Guinea.
The journey to Sabai Island from Toowoomba took eight days, including driving to Cairns then taking the barge across to the island.
Our Director Aaron Purse said the job at Sabai Island was a great example of the mobility and flexibility of the mixer.
“The Mack Granite Volumetric Mixer has enabled the PF Install Solutions team to offer a complete service to our clients,” Aaron says.
Aaron says there are several benefits to having a volumetric mixer over a traditional batch plant.
“There are very low mobilisation costs,” he says.
“You don’t need an agitator truck although it can be used in conjunction with agitation trucks and set up as a stationery plant if required.
“This would be to produce larger quantities of concrete in a short time frame.”
Aaron says the truck can be pouring concrete within a couple of hours of arriving at a site.
“There is almost no waste, the mix designs are very accurate and easy to input into the truck’s system which is fully computerised,” he says.
The volumetric mixer has a fibre cutter attachment which delivers poly fibre reinforcement into the concrete mix, the fibre can be delivered at varying quantities and cut at varying lengths to meet special mix and reinforcement designs.
It has a specialised colour system that can deliver colour into the concrete very accurately.
“It basically gives us the ability to deliver an entire project and have complete control of the quality of the product we deliver,” says Aaron.
“This allows us to be eligible for projects that previously we could not have worked on.”
Aaron says the addition of the Volumetric mixer has improved PF Install Solutions’ service offering to new and existing clients.
“Overall, the volumetric truck is a very efficient and good fit to deliver concrete for our business, it is very suitable for the agricultural industry,” he says.
“It will deliver everything our projects and business requires in concrete, both accurately and efficiently to give a high-quality product.”
If you’d like to learn more about PF Install Solutions’ commercial concreting capabilities, click the button.